Monday, December 13, 2010

What You Need to Know About Your Child Abuse Case

Child abuse can be a very complicated issue no matter who is involved in it. Understanding a case such as this can be hard to do unless you are well informed in all the procedures that will take place once the arrest has been made. If you are arrested for a charge such as this, there are many things that will take place after the arrest has been made that you need to be well informed about.

The first thing that you should understand is the legal definition of child abuse In Texas, child abuse is defined as the physical, psychological, or sexual mistreatment of any child no matter what the circumstances are. If you are involved in a child abuse case, you need to know what type of child abuse charges that they are giving you. There are three different types of child abuse as stated before. Physical abuse is usually defined as the abuse to a child which involves neglect and beating or hitting the child in any way. Some people believe that if there isn't a bruise then it wasn't child abuse but that is not the case. Physical abuse can also include hurting a child through the use of fire, ice, chemicals, or any physical object that is used to cause harm to the child in question.

The next type of child abuse is psychological abuse which happens to be the most common type of abuse for children. This type of abuse is defined as any type of behavior that will cause psychological or emotional harm to the child that is involved. Psychological abuse can include yelling, demeaning, name calling, and verbal humiliation of a child which causes emotional stress and harm to that child This is one of the hardest types of abuse to prove because you never see any physical scars on the child that is being abused.

The last type of abuse is sexual abuse to a child Sexual abuse is defined as any sexual act that is forced upon or done to a child by an adult or person in their upper teenage years. This type of abuse can include anything from exposure of adult genitals to a child to forcing a child to be involved in any type of sexual activity. Usually this type of abuse comes with larger penalties because of the severity that usually comes with these types of situations.

With all three types of abuse you need to be aware of what the penalties are for each case. You should also speak with your lawyer about the details of your case to make sure that everyone is well informed and can handle everything as quickly as possible.

If you or someone you know needs help in a criminal case such as this, contact Attorneys and Lawyers for You to find a criminal attorney near you at
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Saturday, December 11, 2010


Jesus has brought you, Leah Ward Sears all the way and He has "Greater works For You, today Justice Leah Ward Sears. He is such a wonderful saviour and we have never known Him to Fail... Bless You, Haskell and your family from Griffin, Georgia. Let's send some praise out my face book family of Ward's, Felker's, Culver's, Sand's, Felker's, Cater's, Henry's, Jone's ( most of the families last names) and our great church families. face book and twitter face book Bless You and Your accomplishments!!! ****** Leah Ward Sears is the former Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court. She served on the court since 1992 when she was first appointed by then-governor Zell Miller, a Democrat. Sears became the court's chief justice in June 2005. She retired from the court in June 2009. [1] After Sears' final day on the court, Carol Hunstein was elevated to serve as chief justice. In August of 2009, Sears will begin a one-year fellowship with the William Thomas Sears Distinguished Fellow in Family Law for the Institute for American Values. The fellowship is named for her brother who died in 2007 after returning from service in the Middle East. Sears will teach a seminar, "Contemporary Issues in Family Law," at the University of Georgia Law School while on her fellowship. In October of 2009, Sears will begin working in the Atlanta offices of legal firm Schiff Hardin. [2] Justice Sears has been mentioned as a possible Barack Obama nominee to ...

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Los Angeles Divorce: Los Angeles Child Custody Mediation

When parents separate or divorce in Los Angeles California and child custody is contested, the parties can attend child custody mediation in Los Angeles County to sort out their disagreements regarding child custody and visitation. Child custody mediation in Los Angeles County is a form of alternative dispute resolution that may be scheduled by appointment with the Los Angeles County Family Court Services mediation or Conciliation Courts.

In a contested child custody matter in Los Angeles, child custody mediation is required before the parties can have a litigated hearing in the Los Angeles family court. In other words, the parties must first attempt to sort out their child custody and visitation disagreements through child custody mediation in Los Angeles before a Los Angeles Superior Court judge or commissioner will hear the child custody dispute in a litigated hearing.

Typically in child custody mediation, both parents are asked to complete a child custody mediation information intake form. The intake form can help the Los Angeles mediator learn more about the child custody and visitation issues being disputed before meeting with the parents. The mediator may meet with the parents together or individually and will typically facilitate the discussion in attempts to help the parents resolve their disputes. In child custody mediation, the parties may resolve all, some, or none of the child custody issues being disputed.

In Los Angeles County mediation is confidential, which means the mediator will not report to the court what was discussed in mediation. Mediators may report to the court a signed mutual agreement which has been mutually accepted by both parties. Mediators may recommend a child custody evaluation or investigation or that an attorney be appointed to represent the child. Los Angeles County mediators are mandated reporters of child abuse, which means they are required to report suspicion of child abuse to Child Protective Services or CPS.

California Family Code section 3170-3173 describes the availability of child custody mediation and addresses child custody and visitation disputes involving modifications, domestic violence, adoptions, paternity, and stepparent and grandparent petitions. California Family Code section 3160-3165 describes the general provisions of child custody mediation and its purpose. However, since the specific details of child custody mediation and mediators may differ from county to county in California and can change over time, you may want to inquire with the Los Angeles Superior courthouse for more information. Further, you would be wise to consult a Los Angeles family law attorney, Los Angeles divorce attorney, or Los Angeles divorce lawyer to help you learn more about the local processes and local rules for child custody mediation and learn if child custody mediation is the right approach for your Los Angeles child custody situation.

© 2007 Child Custody Coach

Child Custody Coach supplies information, online materials, and coaching services to parents in the field of child custody, namely, divorce, child custody and visitation, child custody evaluations, 730 evaluations, parenting, and all issues related to child custody and divorce. How to Win Child Custody - Proven Strategies that can Win You Custody and Save You Thousands in Attorney Cost!" is a unique child custody strategy guide written by The Custody Coach and made available by Child Custody Coach in an easy to read, understand, and apply E-Book format. Custody Match is an online consumer and family law attorney matching service to help you in your search for the right attorney for your divorce or child custody case. Custody Match can help you find the right family law attorney, divorce lawyer, or child custody attorney in your area.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Florida's New Best Interest of the Child Factors

Florida's "best interest" of children factors will change on October 1, 2008. Notice the clear emphasis on demonstrating parenting behaviors and a history of meeting the child's needs. Keeping children away from the divorce case is another area that is now clearly spelled out in the law. Here are the new factors:

(a) The demonstrated capacity & disposition of each parent to facilitate and encourage a close & continuing parent-child relationship, to honor the timesharing schedule, and to be reasonable when changes are required.

(b) The anticipated division of parental responsibilities after the litigation, including the extent to which parental responsibilities will be delegated to third parties.

(c) The demonstrated capacity & disposition of each parent to determine, consider & act upon the needs of the child as opposed to the needs or desires of the parent.

(d) The length of time the child has lived in a stable, satisfactory environment and the desirability of maintaining continuity.

(e) The geographic viability of the parenting plan, with special attention paid to the needs of school-age children and the amount of time to be spent traveling to effectuate the parenting plan. This factor does not create a presumption for or against relocation of either parent with a child The permanence, as a family unit, of the existing or proposed custodial home.

(f) The moral fitness of the parents.

(g) The mental and physical health of the parents.

(h) The home, school, and community record of the child.

(i) The reasonable preference of the child, if the child is of sufficient age

(j) The demonstrated knowledge, capacity, & disposition of each parent to be informed of the circumstances of the minor child, including, but not limited to, the child's friends, teachers, medical care providers, daily activities, and favorite things.

(k) The demonstrated capacity & disposition of each parent to provide a consistent routine for the child, such as discipline, and daily schedules for homework, meals, and bedtime.

(l) The demonstrated capacity of each parent to communicate with and keep the other parent informed of issues and activities regarding the minor child, and the willingness of each parent to adopt a unified front on all major issues when dealing with the child.

(m) Evidence of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, child abandonment, or child neglect, regardless of whether a prior or pending action relating to those issues has been brought.

(n) Evidence that either parent has knowingly provided false information to the court regarding any prior or pending action regarding domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse, child abandonment, or child neglect.

(o) The particular parenting tasks customarily performed by each parent and the division of parental responsibilities before the institution of litigation and during the pending litigation, including the extent to which parenting responsibilities were undertaken by third parties.

(p) The demonstrated capacity & disposition of each parent to participate and be involved in the child's school and extracurricular activities.

(q) The demonstrated capacity & disposition of each parent to maintain an environment for the child which is free from substance abuse.

(r) The capacity & disposition of each parent to protect the child from the ongoing litigation as demonstrated by not discussing the litigation with the child, not sharing documents or electronic media related to the litigation with the child, and refraining from disparaging comments about the other parent to the child.

(s) The developmental stages & needs of the child and the demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to meet the child's developmental needs.

(t) Any other factor that is relevant to the determination of a specific issue

These are the factors a judge will use when determining all child-related issues starting October 1, 2008. Remember, when the law changes there will no longer be a "primary residential parent" and parenting plans will be required.

Much more than a visitation schedule, parenting plans must be comprehensive and cover not only time sharing, but decision-making and child support.

DIY Divorce has been exploring the new parenting plan requirements on the blog at All the changes are already incorporated into our free Tele-Test Drive Basic Florida Divorce class. Visit the website to sign up for one now.

Pamela S. Wynn has practiced family law in Florida for more than 23 years.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Father Child Custody - Still Possible Even After False Allegations

It is hard enough to deal with the fact that you have to fight to be able to have "the right" to be with your child every day. It is a well known fact that fathers fighting for custody are rarely awarded custody of their children when there are issues. Although, this has been true in the past, times seem to be changing and fathers are seeing that family courts are taking into consideration which parent can actually provide a safe and secure environment for the children. That being said, fathers fighting for custody still have a lot of work to do to prove that their children would be better off with them rather than their mother.

Factor in false allegations of child sexual abuse, then this uphill battle of father custody seems almost impossible to win. Unfortunately, these cases actually are almost impossible because of the lack of an experienced attorney. Usually, a local attorney will have a lot of experience in divorce custody matters, but will have little or no experience in child sexual abuse. The problem is that there simply are not enough attorneys out there that are experienced in both matters. If you do find one that is experienced in both, then you will find that they are very expensive for the fact that they must travel all over. This leaves fathers fighting for custody in an almost impossible situation. What else can fathers do but to hire the local attorney and hope for the best?

Normally, fathers fighting for custody must prove he is a fit and caring parent, and he must prove the mother is unfit. Add in the fact that he has to defend himself against false child sexual abuse; father child custody is simply not an option. The courts must have a good enough reason to uplift the children from their home.

Although it seems that there is no way possible for father child custody when the father is accused of child sexual abuse, it can be done. However, the father must have a precise case with a planned out strategy.

Your attorney will have a specific strategy with questions and suggestions for you to follow to help you in your father custody trial.

A good attorney will:

Recognize a father's emotional state - This is the most important step and one most attorneys will overlook. Fathers fighting for custody are going through a lot of stress at this point in their, and it is to the best interest of the father for the attorney to determine any emotional problems and learn how to deal with them before the courts are introduced to him.

Face Adverse Issues Upfront - It is important that any allegations that could possibly be thrown out in court be dealt with and admitted to upfront.

The father's image - Fathers fighting for custody must convey an image that the courts feel is acceptable and secure for children. Take a parenting class, become a part of your child's sports events or hobby or attend church.

When criminal charges of child sexual abuse surface, it is important that you never accept a plea. If your attorney recommends you take a plea, than it is time to replace him. Accepting a plea in a father custody case is no better than accepting guilt. If you are not guilty, do not take a plea stating that you are guilty. With the proper attorney, you will be freed of these charges.

There is a possibility that you can take your children home with you, even after allegations of child sexual abuse are made. With the right attorney, a lot of research and the desire to do whatever it takes to wake up each morning to see those bright smiles, there truly is a possibility of being awarded father child custody.

Michael Waddington is an expert court martial attorney and criminal military defense lawyer defending military personnel worldwide. He defends all levels of court martial cases.. He is a partner in the Augusta, Georgia, law firm of Gonzalez & Waddington. His worldwide practice focuses on military criminal court martial cases.

He has successfully defended numerous high profile military court martial cases arising from the War on Terror and has been reported on and quoted by hundreds of major media sources worldwide. Mr. Waddington has provided consultation services to 60 Minutes, ABC Nightline, the BBC, German Public Television and other major news outlets. He has successfully defended court martial cases in the USA, Europe, the Middle East (Iraq, Kuwait), Central Asia (Afghanistan), and the Pacific (Korea, Japan).

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Child Custody in a Divorce in Florida

If children are involved in your divorce in Florida you are probably concerned about child custody and visitation. The State of Florida has one overriding factor in child custody issues: What are the best interests of the children? This should also be the main concern of the parents. Divorce in Florida can be a traumatic experience for children and every effort should be made to reduce the emotional effect on them. You may be getting a divorce from your spouse but you will always be a parent.

In 2008 Florida divorce laws were changed drastically regarding child custody. The terms custody, visitation, primary residential parent and secondary residential parent were replaced by shared parental responsibility, time sharing and parenting plans. The courts were overwhelmed by parents fighting to be designated the primary residential parent. Florida divorce laws now encourage equal responsibility for all decisions that need to be made in a child's life.

In a divorce in Florida the parents will typically be granted shared custody of the child and equal rights in making joint decisions regarding the child's welfare. If there is major disagreement on some aspect such as education, religion or medical needs of the child the court may designate one parent primary control over that aspect.

In rare cases sole custody may be granted to one parent. This is usually based on child abuse, family violence or continuous conflict between the parents. Sole custody will only be granted by the courts where it can be proven that shared custody would be detrimental to the child.

In the final decree of a divorce in Florida there must be a parenting plan that explains the shared parental responsibility and time sharing schedule. Typically, these are agreed on by the parents or through mediation and compromise. If the parents cannot agree a trial will be held and the judge will make a decision based on Florida divorce laws. This may also involve a child custody evaluation by a third party such as a family counselor or psycologist. In theory the father and mother have the same divorce rights regarding parenting and time sharing but in practice the mother is typically given special consideration as the guiding force in the children's lives. Children over the age of 12 may be asked their preference regarding time sharing. Once the court has evaluated all of the evidence it will provide a parenting plan with details of the arrangement.

There are over 20 factors the Florida divorce laws consider in child custody. For more information on your divorce rights in child custody see the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. Just remember that the State of Florida will be considering the best interests of the children and you should be doing the same. It is very important that the children are subjected to as little stress as possible in a divorce in Florida.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

The Causes and Effects of Domestic Violence on Women

There are increasing cases of domestic violence in the United States today and in many cases a Chattanooga lawyer is confronted with the question whether domestic violence is a crime which can be punishable or not. Chattanooga lawyers may help the victim of such incidences through legal proceedings and litigation if need be. However, this is a serious problem in not just in the United States of America but in the whole world. Each and every day can become fearful for women who are made victims of violence.

Violence against women and children is a serious matter and it can include verbal abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, spiritual abuse, financial abuse and sexual assault. In many cases violence has lead to death or serious physical injuries. Most of the victims try to hide this problem from the society and even try to solve this problem themselves and it becomes too late. The abuse comes in different forms and is used to create an environment of fear for women and children as well. No matter where a person lives, the most common victim of abuses and domestic violence is women and the one responsible for such acts of the men of the house.

The causes of domestic violence are numerous and varied. It may start if men feel the need to dominate and control the women. There are times when women hold a better qualification than men and once men start feeling inferior they start dominating over the partner. Some men have the belief that they are more superior to women and they have rights to control their partners. Other causes may include alcohol and drug abuse, low self esteem, jealousy and other strong emotions.

There are numerous effects of violence on women and children. It can affect them physically, socially and psychologically. These victims often feel isolated from families and friends and most of the time lose their social support. Victims who have been abused since ages start living in fear even in their own homes where they are always supposed to feel safe. If the couple have children, then child abuse is also common in the same family. Studies have found that more than fifty percent of men who assault their wives also assault their children. More than five million children around the world witness their mothers being abused every year. In most cases, domestic violence results in injuries and neglect of children. The couples who are involved in violence almost everyday have greater chances of committing suicide. It has also been found out that the victims of such acts attempt suicide as the only way to get rid of the problem.

Domestic violence occurs in all cultures and religions. Anyone can become victim of such acts regardless of age and race. It is extremely important for women who are dealing with these kinds of situations to seek professional help as this can have detrimental effects on them as well as their children. Women are advised to share their stories so they can be helped.

Connor Sullivan has contacted a Chattanooga lawyer for information in order to write an article on the topic. He hired several Chattanooga lawyers for an upcoming trial.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Should You Fight Your Child Custody Battle on Your Own Or Should You Hire a Lawyer?

If your ex is threatening to take your children from you, you are probably trying to decide whether or not you should fight your child custody battle on your own or if you should hire a lawyer. Here are a few tips for you that will help you decide whether you can successfully negotiate a child custody arrangement yourself and when it is time to find legal representation.

1. Will your ex try to get full custody of your children? If your ex is fairly reasonable and will work out custody arrangements that suit you both, then hiring a lawyer might not be necessary. But if you have a gut feeling that your ex will try to take your children from you and not give you any visitation, or that the negotiation will take a turn for the worst, a lawyer might be the way to go to ensure that you keep your parental rights.

2. Will your ex hire a lawyer to fight for custody of your children? If your ex has already hired a lawyer, it might be a good idea for you to hire one as well, if you want to keep your children. You do not want to be at a disadvantage when it comes to the courts, and a lawyer can help make sure all of your ducks are in a row when it comes to the custody hearing.

3. Can you do all of the proper research about making custody arrangements all on your own? If you feel confident that you can research everything you will need to know about child custody court hearings all on your own, then you might be able represent yourself in court. You can also check around your city for lawyers that offer child custody consultations and get some good tips and information about how what you will need to do at a child custody hearing so that you can research it yourself.

If you really want to negotiate a child custody arrangement without a lawyer, click here for something that will help.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Change in Child Custody Laws - Time-Sharing in Florida

The Florida legislature recently enacted laws that abolished the concept of "primary" and "secondary" child custody as well as "visitation." The court system was overwhelmed with parents who were fighting not only about at whose home the minor would spend most of his time, but also over who should have the title of primary custodian. Many believed that, if they were deemed the "secondary" custodian, then they were also a second-class parent. Further, many parties resented that they had to "visit" the child rather than live with or spend time with their kin. In an effort to help parents avoid fighting over semantics, the Florida legislature adopted the concept of "time-sharing" to replace the old regime of awarding custody to one parent or the other.

The Florida Legislature also modified and expanded the factors that courts must consider when making a determination on the issue of time-sharing. The overriding concern remains the best interests of the child. There are now twenty factors for consideration, some of which are highlighted below:

· The ability of each parent to have a close relationship with his or her son or daughter;

· The ability of each parent to work with each other;

· The ability of each party to put the needs of the child before his or her own needs;

· How parental responsibilities will likely be divided when the divorce is finalized;

· Whether either either side will require some sort of day care during his or her time-sharing schedule;

· How long the minor has lived in a stable home;

· Whether the soon to be ex-spouses live near each other and the youth's school;

· How well the youngster is doing in school;

· How well informed each spouse is of scholastic and extracurricular activities;

· Whether each party is involved in the minor's school or extracurricular activities;

· The ability of each side to provide a routine for the child;

· Whether each parent is morally fit;

· The physical and mental health of the parties;

· The preference of the minor;

· Whether there has been any domestic violence or other abuse or neglect;

· Whether either side has falsely accused the other of abuse;

· The responsibilities of each spouse toward the son or daughter before the petition for divorce was filed;

· Whether either side has exposed the youth to alcohol or drug abuse;

· Whether each party has shielded the son or daughter from the divorce litigation;

· The ability of each parent to meet the child's current and future developmental needs; and

· Anything else that the court believes is relevant.

To review the full text of the new legislation, see section 61.13(3) of the Florida Statutes.

Courts may give each factor different weight based on the circumstances of a particular case. If you have questions concerning how the factors might apply to your case, be sure to consult an attorney experienced in family law.

Richard J. Mockler and Adam B. Cordover are family law attorneys at Richard J. Mockler, P.A., located in Tampa, Florida. For a free consultation or more information on time-sharing or other family law matters, please visit our website at

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rhode Island Child Support Law FAQS - Daycare, Overtime, Modification, College, Termination

1) What if my child's parent works overtime? Will overtime be included in child support?

There is no standard law or rule in Rhode Island regarding whether or not the non-possessory parent's overtime will be used to calculate child support. One Judge in Rhode Island consistently rules that overtime compensation cannot be used to calculate child support.

Other Judges in Rhode Island have different opinions regarding overtime. The Family Court is a court of equity and fairness. Judges in Rhode Island will typically look at whether or not a person consistently works overtime over a substantial period of time. Judges may also look at whether or not overtime is consistently offered to a spouse. If overtime is infrequent or not typically offered Judges may be hesitant to calculate overtime as a factor of child support. In that case, many attorneys argue that a person's income should be calculated using their W2 or gross income for the entire calendar year. By calculating gross income over an entire calendar year even infrequent overtime becomes an element of child support.

Judges may also look at other factors such as the needs and expenses of both parties and any extraordinary expenses for the child. At least one Judge has suggested that the possessory parent get a percentage of the overtime that is worked by the non-possessory parent. Other Judges in Rhode Island believe that overtime should always be a factor in child support. Often the issue of overtime is negotiated by the lawyers prior to any formal ruling by the Judge.

2) My child is about to turn 18 but is still in high school and living at home, can I still get child support?

Under Rhode Island Law, child support should end when a child turns 18 and graduates high school. If the child is still in high school, then child support will continue until the child turns 19.

Child support in Rhode Island automatically continues even after the child turns 18 unless a Motion to terminate child support is filed. If you are a non-possessory parent, your best option is to contact a lawyer to file a Motion to Terminate Child Support approximately 40 days prior to your child turning 18 and graduating high school. This will mean that the motion will be heard on a court date soon after the child turns 18. Please note that the non-possessory parent can still be found in contempt for failure to pay child support even after the child turns 18 if there is no motion granted to terminate the child support. If a child is seriously disabled, child support shall continue until the child turns 21 years old.

3) Can I get my child's father to be ordered to pay for my child's college education?

In Rhode Island the Court has no jurisdiction to order a parent to pay for the college education of his/her child. However, if pursuant to a Property Settlement Agreement or other contract, one party agrees to pay for a child's education, then that agreement may be enforced by a court of law. Therefore, if you seek to have your child's parent pay for your child's college education, then you must negotiate payment of college expenses as part of a global settlement of the divorce or custody agreement or other similar agreement.

4) Who is going to pay for my child's daycare?

The Rhode Island minimum child support guidelines take into account both the importance and expense of daycare. The child support guidelines and worksheet are used to determine the proper amount of child support to be paid by the non-possessory parent. The bottom line is that a party will be ordered to pay approximately the same percentage of the daycare that the party makes in relation to that party's percentage of the combined gross income of both parties.

For example: If the husband makes $100,000.00 and the wife makes $50,000.00 the combined gross income for the parties is $150,000.00. Therefore, the husband makes 66 percent of the income and will be ordered to pay 66 percent of the daycare in addition to child support. (There may be an adjustment to take into account the federal tax credit.) This amount is added onto the minimum Child Support Guidelines amount.

5) How do I modify, increase or terminate child support in Rhode Island?

In Rhode Island child support can only be modified if there is a substantial change of circumstances. In order to get a substantial change of circumstances, the child support amount must be 10 percent more or less than the old child support order. The change in circumstances could result from loss of a job, increase of income of either party, new dependents, loss of overtime, unemployment, a disability, etc.

David Slepkow is a Rhode Island attorney / lawyer concentrating in divorce, family law, personal injury, automobile accidents, child support, child custody and visitation. He is a partner at Slepkow Slepkow & Associates, Inc in East Providence RI. He is a member of the RI Bar, MA Bar and the Federal Bar for the First Circuit District of Rhode Island. David Slepkow has been practicing for ten years and is a member of the Rhode Island Family Court Inns Of Court. Please go to Official website of East Providence, Rhode Island (RI) Attorneys, Slepkow Slepkow & Associates, Inc to contact David Slepkow. Please call Rhode Island divorce Attorney, David Slepkow at 401-437-1100 with any questions! The first consult is always free!

Also visit: East Providence, Rhode Island (RI) Divorce Law Attorney / lawyer and RI Family & Child Support Law information or visit Rhode Island Child Support law information

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

CPS Was Wrong To Remove The Children

Custody hearings are on hold after today's ruling that Texas had no right to seize children from a polygamist group's ranch. The Third Court of Appeals says the grounds for last month's removal of more than 400 children were ``legally and factually insufficient.'' An attorney representing some of the children says the judge in San Angelo has ten days to vacate her custody order. Texas can appeal. Governor Rick Perry's office says it's an ongoing legal matter, and Texas lawyers will review the appropriate next steps to ensure the safety and welfare of the children. It wasn't immediately clear whether the children now in foster care might soon rejoin their parents. CPS removed the children from the ranch near Eldorado over allegations of abuse, which members deny. Spokesman Rod Parker says the sect members feel validated -- claiming they're being persecuted for their beliefs.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Going Through Divorce Without a Lawyer Not a Good Idea

Going through divorce without a lawyer is probably one of the worst things that you could do. Without a lawyer you will simply not get a fair share. Judges do not want to deal with people, and they want to talk to lawyers. If your ex does not have a lawyer then you may be okay but if they do, you are definitely going to want to make sure that you get the best divorce lawyer.

If you need a divorce attorney to handle your case, remember that they are going to be able to help you deal with all the legal issues surrounding your divorce, issues that you would probably miss if you just tried to take on the case yourself. A divorce lawyer will be particularly important if you and your spouse have been married for several years and share property, savings, or other larger financial issues.

Finding a Lawyer

Now that you understand why you should not go through divorce without a lawyer, you will need to go through the process of actually finding a lawyer, and there are a few important factors to take into consideration here.

There are tons of divorce lawyers located all around the globe, but you will generally want to find one in your local area because you are going to need to be traveling back and forth from them, for meetings and to talk with them. Therefore you do not want it to be a huge inconvenience to you, as it would be if you had to drive for extended periods of time just to get to them.

As you can see, it is very important not to go through divorce without a lawyer. You may not be able to patch things up with your spouse, but to ensure that things are going to be fair, then you never want to go through divorce without an attorney. If you do decide to go through your divorce without an attorney, just make sure that you are educated and understand what you are getting into.

You are really going to need to be prepared going into this, and never want to head into court without a clue as to what you are doing.

Divorce can definitely be a tricky issue to deal with, but perhaps the most difficult of all is going through court and finding a way to untangle all the financial and sentimental items

Going through divorce without a lawyer [] is probably one of the worst things that you could do. Without a lawyer you will simply not get a fair share. Judges do not want to deal with people, and they want to talk to lawyers...View more articles at []

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Dr. Lorandos provides some insight into what to do if you are convicted Dr. Lorandos provides some insight into what to do if you are convicted If you have just been convicted, is there any hope? Thats whats called post-conviction remedies. Historically, a person falsely accused of a crime is represented by a trial attorney in the trial, and if convicted the same attorney also conducts the sentencing hearing. At http we explain that once the defendant is sentenced, however, another attorney specializing in appeals attempts to correct any injustices that may have been committed during the trial by the lawyers, the judge, or the jury. This is done in a court of appeals. While this practice of using the same attorney in the sentencing hearing and in the trial and a different attorney in the court of appeals is the standard practice, this kind of representation fails to provide the defendant with a full range of resources for post-trial remedies. At we explain that even excellent trial attorneys are not experts in all the legal issues that qualify for an appeal, but even excellent appellate attorneys are not experts in highly specialized cases such as child abuse cases. Heres one example: During a trial, a prosecution may call a medical doctor to the stand to testify that an arathema was found on the alleged victims hymen and that this is proof of sexual abuse. While an experience defense trial attorney knows that these statements are bogus and must be provided by scientific studies and medical ...

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Michael Jackson Video of Lawyers Asking of Child Abuse

***NEW*** Footage of Michael Jackson getting quizzed by lawyers in 1996. A SHOCK video of Michael Jackson defending himself as he is quizzed over child abuse allegations has been uncovered by the News of the World. The bombshell tape - never before made public - shows the King of Pop NERVOUSLY LAUGHING, COVERING HIS FACE with his hands in dismay and GROANING IRRITABLY as a team of lawyers grilled him in 1996 as part of a lawsuit brought against him by Neverland staff.

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Monday, June 14, 2010 is a help network for anyone suspecting or dealing with the abuse of a child. Our purpose is to promote raising healthy, happy, and respected children. Other than physical abuses (rape, beating) which appear to be well identified, our society lacks any ability to even recognize white collar abuse, financial abuse, and psychological abuse directed against children.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to Get an Order of Protection

Going to court on your own to get an order of protection to stop domestic violence can be very confusing and intimidating. This video is intended to help you better understand the steps and procedures involved in getting an order of protection on your own. In addition, this video will familiarize you with different types of orders of protection, the procedure for getting them, the clerk's office, the court room and the different roles of the people you will encounter while representing yourself. For more information, please visit Illinois Legal Aid Online at:

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Background Checks on People - Important Safety Measures to Protect Your Family and Children

Devoid of the information gained from background checks on people, you will have no idea what imminent danger that you, your spouse and children are facing. Consequently, when you find yourself got involved in tragic events initiated by lawless elements, you shall realize later on that such incidents could have been prevented by avoiding certain individuals if you had only known their personal history.

You can prevent such scenario from happening to you in the future by conducting background checks on people on various instances in life; such as prior to hiring new employees and casual workers, on your new neighbours and office associates, on new business partners, and on your babysitter or nanny among many others.

Now take these test questions:

Would you still hire an applicant to your business even if you know that the person has bad records in the past like theft?

Are you still going to hire or keep the nanny of your children even if you found out that the person has undesirable history of child abuse?

Would you still allow your teenage daughters to regularly visit your new neighbour despite of the fact that you were able to uncover that there is an individual living in their house that has history of attempted rape?

If your answers are 'no way' to all of the questions above, then you definitely need to perform background checks on people on various instances deemed necessary.

There are several options on how to conduct the procedures, but I highly recommend the most practical way; and that is to use the online services of several independent companies. This will only cost you less than $47; but this is already nominal enough to ensure the safety of your family.

Start running your own search now at Background Report Online and instantly get your desired information today; right at the comforts and convenience in your home or office.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Myth: Most Married People Are Unfaithful

Is it true that most married people cheat on their spouses? Explore the data with Dr. June. For more information on love and health, or to read a full transcript of this video, visit

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Managing Your Immigration

The complexity of the process is one of the reasons that using a registered migration agent or immigration lawyer is a good idea. These professionals are trained and qualified to manage the visa pathway process from beginning to end.


* Decide what visa suits your circumstances;

* Ensure you meet relevant conditions of the visa at the time of application, time of grant and throughout the permanent residency period;

* Research or obtain advice about your suitability to meet mandatory criteria of the visa;

* Decide your immigration timeline and have realistic expectations about the turnaround time for a visa grant before the authorities.


* Relevant evidence for your visa subclass;

* Health and Character Approvals;

* References and Character Statements;

* Certified documents.

Draft and Apply

* A professional and compliant submission;

* Relevant attachments to explain any issues (eg: health or character problems);

* Complete the correct form and pay the correct fee;

* Meet all legislated time of application requirements.

Manage and Comply

* Stay available for contact with the authorities;

* Inform the authorities of changes to your circumstances;

* Don't become a nuisance applicant calling and emailing constantly;

* Comply with visa requirements once grant is received.

After all of the immigration process is dealt with you will also need to consider housing, employment, schooling for children, banking and tax arrangements, health insurance and relocation services as a start.

The process is daunting but planning and seeking appropriate advice does make it easier and provides peace of mind for what is a huge life change for many people.

Rechelle Grimson is a director and founder of My Immigration Manager. Rechelle has many years experience in both the private and public sectors. Rechelle has previous Australian Government experience with both the Migration Review Tribunal and the Attorney General's Department (NSW).

Rechelle has also worked with Thomson's Legal and Regulatory Group (The Law Book Company brand). Rechelle has a keen interest in children's issues and is a committee member of the ACT Chapter of the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN). Rechelle has an excellent knowledge of administrative law, Tribunal representation, decision-making and the visa process, she is also a specialist in New Zealand Migration. Rechelle specialises in skilled, business, special category and family visa classes.

Rechelle is a Registered Migration Agent - Registration Number 0425550.

Contact My Immigration Manager – The Immigration Advice Professionals or info@myimmigrationmanager


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If it Exists, There's a Lawyer For It

Choosing a lawyer to represent your specific case in court can be very intimidating. It's hard enough to decide what category of law your case falls into and if you're hiring the right kind of lawyer to present it. When you are looking for a lawyer to bring you to court, be sure to see if he has any types of cases that he specializes in, apart from the type of law he practices. Having an experienced lawyer with you while you make your case can often get you the results you're looking for.

Family disputes are categorized into two major types of law, family law and estate planning law. Family law focuses on the relationships associated with families, such as marriage, divorce, and children. A family lawyer would be hired to deal with divorce settlements, child custody and monetary support, as well as instances of domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Family lawyers are becoming increasingly necessary.

The other sort of family dispute deals with the transition of property outlined by wills left by a deceased family member. Estate planning law comes in when a family member dies and the time has come to distribute the total of his estate. An estate doesn't only include property and money, it deals with assigning legal guardians for minors, wills, trusts, and powers of appointment. When dealing with the transfer of assets from the deceased, disputes often arise. A lawyer specializing in trusts and estates will be called to interpret the will and distribute the property.

Corporate law is designed to protect or prosecute actions performed within the realm of a corporation's dealings. A corporation is an entity completely independent from the people who own it and keep it operating. They are treated sort of like human beings in that they can have crimes committed against them or be charged with a crime. Corporate attorneys specialize in the legal status of a corporations and are in charge of keeping an eye on the various transactions that corporations make throughout its lifetime. As a corporate specialist, a corporate attorney studies the legal rights and duties that are associated with corporations.

Civil litigators and constitutional lawyers make up two unique branches in law. A civil litigation attorney is charged with representing people who want compensation for an action or the carrying out of a specific action. In other words, litigators don't want criminal punishment, only remuneration for what was committed against them. A constitutional lawyer addresses situations that might not be made explicitly clear in the constitution. Constitutional lawyers can be described as lawyers for the gray areas of law, for they are in charge of interpreting certain constitutional generalities onto specific cases brought to court. This sort of law can often become very controversial, especially when dealing with two interpretations of the same constitutional statement.

The huge variety of specializations in the legal system provides the opportunity to decide which sort of Birmingham Michigan lawyer will best serve your needs in court. Birmingham MI attorneys exist to represent you in court, and by being armed with one that specializes in your case, you can make you successful in court.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rhode Island Divorce Strategy From Finding a RI Attorney to Filing for Divorce by a RI lawyer

The first step in obtaining a divorce from your spouse is finding a Rhode Island attorney who you are comfortable with. Many attorneys give free initial consultations while others charge for the first consult. I have always taken the position that the initial consultations will be free.

It is important to ask the proposed lawyer about his or her experience and qualifications to handle your case. It is also crucial to determine the hourly charge and the amount of any initial fee or retainer.

It is often impossible to determine how much a divorce will cost from beginning to end. However, it is a good idea to get an educated estimation of the eventual fee. This will never usually be more than a estimation because the cost of the divorce usually depends on several factors. Those factors could include how quickly a settlement is reached, the number of motions that each party will file, the amount / nature and complexity of assets to be equitably divided, the amount of documents involved in the case, the animosity of the parties to each other, the waiting time while you are in court and many other potential issues.

The Golden Rule is that the longer it takes to reach a settlement the more the divorce will cost because the lawyers will spend a lot more time working on the case. If there is no settlement and the case goes to trial or the day of trial, the divorce could get very expensive. If everything is agreed or nearly agreed to and the parties are relatively amicable then the divorce should take a lot less time and therefore be much less expensive.

Uncontested divorces in Rhode Island should be much less expensive then contested divorces. However, there are many different types of uncontested divorces. There are uncontested divorces with no real assets and uncontested divorces with assets to divide. If the divorce is uncontested and there are assets then the lawyer may need to prepare a property settlement agreement, deeds, qualified domestic relation orders etc. Therefore, the cost of an uncontested divorce could vary depending on the circumstances. For example if a lawyer has to draft a property settlement agreement , the lawyer will devote more time to the case.

I believe that a fair price for an uncontested divorce from soup to nuts in Rhode Island with no assets and no property settlement agreement is about $800 flat fee plus costs. The typical costs are a filing fee of $100 and service of process fees of approximately $40.

After you have retained the lawyer there is typically an intake process in which the lawyer gets the basic information so that he or she can properly represent you. The lawyer typically drafts the divorce documents and you sign them in front of him/her or another notary. These documents include a divorce complaint, DR(6) financial statement, statement of children of the marriage, counseling statement, report of divorce, summons and automatic divorce order etc. It is important that the DR6 form otherwise known as financial statement is accurately filled out.

There are many important decisions that may need to be made before you file for divorce in Rhode Island. Strategy is crucial in many instances!

In some cases, the attorney will file a motion for temporary orders when the divorce complaint is filed. A motion for temporary orders should be filed if the husband or wife is in need of temporary resolution of issues while the case is proceeding. These temporary motions typically request temporary child support, payment / contribution to daycare , contribution to medical bills, alimony, payment of household expenses, payment of the mortgage, taxes and insurance. A motion for temporary orders can also address child visitation and child custody issues related to the minor children as well as issues concerning exclusive use and possession of the marital home. The temporary motion can also request temporary orders concerning: restraining orders both financial and personal and a myriad of other temporary issues. The motion for temporary orders will typically be heard by the Court within 30-40 days of the filing of the complaint for divorce.

If no temporary orders enter then there is no legal obligation of a spouse to pay anything while the case is proceeding until there is a decision by the judge or the parties sign a property settlement Agreement. If there are no temporary orders, the financial issues, visitation and custody issues will be up to the parties to figure out while the case is proceeding without the benefit of a court order.

If there is an emergency in which irreparable harm will be caused if the party has to wait for a court date, then an emergency motion should be filed with the complaint. An emergency motion must either be verified under oath or be accompanied by an affidavit. The attorney will bring the emergency motion to the proper judge and ask for an ex parte order. Ex parte means that the other side is not present to object. The Rhode Island judge will only consider the affidavit and documentation before him. If the judge signs the emergency order than it will be served on your spouse by the constable along with the divorce complaint.

These types of emergency motion typically deal with issues concerning abuse of a child, dissipation or unreasonable spending of marital assets, domestic violence, child abuse or a plethora of other potential emergencies. If there is domestic violence involved in which you are in imminent fear of physical harm or have been abused or threatened with abuse please discuss with the attorney the benefits of filing a separate case called a Complaint Protection from Abuse! Please note that the Complaint Protection from Abuse is very different from an Emergency motion.

The timing of whether the divorce or Complaint Protection from Abuse case is filed first or whether they are filed simultaneously could be crucial to your case.

If an emergency motion is granted and emergency orders enter then a hearing will be set approximately 20 days to determine if the order should stay in effect while the divorce case is proceeding. At that hearing your spouse has an opportunity to contest the motion and tell his or her side of the story. At that hearing, the Court will determine whether the emergency relief will stay in effect while the divorce case proceeds.

Please see part two to be finished later which describes the process from filing the complaint to the nominal divorce hearing.

David Slepkow is a Rhode Island divorce and family law lawyer concentrating in divorce, family law, child support, custody, visitation, personal injury, landlord tenant, litigation, criminal law and the general practice of law. David is a partner at Slepkow Slepkow & Associates,Inc. which was established in 1932 and is currently celebrating its 75th anniversary. David has been practicing for over 9 years and is licensed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Federal Court. David offers free initial consultations. Please goto our recently revised website to obtain further information concerning Rhode Island law or to contact David Slepkow.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Domestic Violence and Child Custody

Becoming a witness of domestic violence and growing up in such a volatile and disturbing family environment can have a dreadful impact on the psychological development of a child. Hence, the issue of child custody in situations that involve domestic violence is one of great important.

The US Department of Justice gives great importance towards protecting the rights of children who are exposed to domestic violence. Domestic violence in this context does not necessarily mean the child has actually seen physical abuse or witnessed domestic violence. It may encompass circumstances wherein the child is simply present in the home during an incident of domestic violence. Such type of abuse is commonly referred to as "secondary abuse." In a California case known as In re Heather A., 60 Cal. Rptr. 2d 315, 322 (Ct. App. 1996) the court found that two children were exposed to domestic violence by virtue of being in the same home as their mother ho was physically abused by her boyfriend, even though the children were in another part of the house and did not actually witness the abuse. The two children were removed from the home and made dependents of the court upon a finding that the children were victims of secondary abuse.

Parents experiencing domestic violence within their family home are at risk of losing custody of their children. These children may be declared as dependants of the court, removed from the home, and taken into protective custody of Department of Social services. There are several means by which parents subjected to domestic violence can prevent losing custody of their children. The most important of these is to bring an end to such a violent relationship.

If you are involved in a relationship wherein domestic violence is present and children are involved, you would do well to consult an attorney in your jurisdiction to help you learn where you stand legally on the matter and what options are available to help protect you and your children.

© 2007 Child Custody Coach

Child Custody Coach supplies information, online materials, and coaching services to parents in the field of child custody, namely, divorce, child custody and visitation, child custody evaluations, 730 evaluations, parenting techniques, and all issues related to child custody and divorce. How to Win Child Custody - Proven Strategies that can Win You Custody and Save You Thousands in Attorney Costs! is a unique child custody strategy guide provided as an E-Book for immediate access written by Steven Carlson who is known nationally as The Custody Coach. Custody Match is an online consumer and family law attorney matching service find the right family law attorney, divorce, attorney, or child custody lawyer in your area.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Spousal Maintenance | MN Divorce Lawyer Minnesota Divorce Lawyer M. Sue Wilson discusses the purpose of Spousal Maintenance, originally designed to create economic justice after a divorce particularly for a homemaker or stay at home mom. Attorneys at M. Sue Wilson Law Offices assist clients who have sacrificed as a result of their marriage to achieve economic fairness after a divorce. Minnesota Divorce Lawyer M. Sue Wilson also discusses the abuse and future of permanent spousal maintenance for couples divorcing in Minnesota. Responsive. Effective. High quality results. We care about your well being.

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Video Surveillance and Surveillance Laws

The dependability and prevalence of video surveillance cameras has increased dramatically in the past decade. Numerous home and business owners have integrated video cameras into their security systems to ensure safety, crack down on regulations, and catch criminals in the act. Surveillance is considered covert when the cameras are hidden or aren't identifiable. Security Cameras are largely legal in the United States, as long as it doesn't directly infringe on a person's fourth amendment right to privacy.

Uses of Covert Surveillance

"A picture is worth a thousand words." This saying rings true in court. According to a recent study, when a jury is presented with surveillance footage, it is twice as likely to convict as when not shown video surveillance evidence. The strategic placement of covert surveillance cameras aid in the detection and prosecution of vandalism, theft, child abuse, elder neglect, stalking, and harassment.

Some of the more common places to use covert camera surveillance are: Homes, Casinos, Police Stations, Nursing Homes, Construction Sites, Prisons, Hospitals and Retail Stores.

Monitoring the activities of nannies and household help with covert surveillance cameras is a growing trend. Due to recent advances in technology, cameras are now small enough to be hidden in many home items such as teddy bears, house plants, clocks, and wall paintings.

Surveillance Laws

Most camera surveillance is legal in the United States. The majority of surveillance laws concern the invasion of privacy with the use of covert video surveillance. The use of covert surveillance is particularly controversial in areas in which a high level of personal privacy is expected, such as: locker rooms, dressing rooms, bedrooms, and bathroom stalls. There are some general guidelines to follow to ensure the legality of your camera surveillance system.

Covert surveillance is illegal when: Audio surveillance is also taking place, without the consent of those being monitored and the person being monitored by the video surveillance has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Covert surveillance may be illegal when: The video surveillance encourages an illegal activity and the subject under video surveillance has a right to counsel, as when being questioned by law authorities and the person in charge of the premises have not given permission for video surveillance.

If you opt to incorporate a covert video surveillance system into your home or business, consult with a lawyer or your local law enforcement agency to ensure your compliance with local, state, and federal video surveillance laws.

Many independent studies in the United States and United Kingdom have suggested that video surveillance acts as a powerful deterrent, stopping crimes before they happen. Studies also show strong evidence that video surveillance systems can be an extremely effective tool in detection and prosecution.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

TOGETHER We CAN Stop Child Abuse!!!

***FAIR USE*** Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. A video dedicated to every single precious little angel who has died before their time due to abuse or neglect. The video focuses on Kelsey Shelton Smith-Briggs (died at 2 years old of child abuse), Caylee Marie Anthony (murdered also at age 2) and little Mekenna Sharee Brown (died of Shaken Baby Syndrome at only 21 months old) because they were the ones I had pictures of on my computer... Rest in peace sweet angels. Together, we CAN and we MUST stop these horrible crimes. Awareness must be raised, and remember--if you see something that you suspect may be abuse, it's not only your duty to report it, it is THE LAW. Visit for more information on Miss Kelsey, and please visit for information on Kelsey's Saturday--a day that Kelsey's paternal family has set up to spread the word about child abuse and how it can be stopped. is a good source for information on the sweet angel Caylee Marie Anthony. Visit mekenna's mommy's Myspace page dedicated to stopping Shaken Baby Syndrome by clicking here: Music is from the OLTL Prom Night musical.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Healing From Emotional Abuse - The Best Stress Release For Domestic Abuse Survivors

Why is wakeful rest more restorative than ordinary unconscious rest of a traditional nap? The answer to this question could change your life if you put into practice its message.

You know how sometimes a daytime nap leaves you feeling like a slug upon awakening, whereas other wakeful rest enlivens you upon your return to ordinary activity. You may have had this experience.

Brain Wave Patterns and Corresponding Mental States 

When the mind and body are at rest, all physiological processes slow down and restoration becomes the order of business. Looking at brain wave activity of the wakeful, resting and sleeping person, we see four distinct brain waves: beta, alpha, theta and delta, each corresponding to a specific mental state.  

The brain wave patterns associated with ordinary activity are beta and alpha states, alpha and theta with wakeful rest, and delta with deep sleep. Each brain wave pattern corresponds to a specific state of mental functioning.

For the sake of simplicity (as I don't want to lose you in the academic detail), be mindful that the greatest stress release, purification, restoration and healing occur during wakeful rest, not during deep sleep. Though it is true that deep sleep is essential to psychological health, the body's greatest self-repair occurs during alpha-theta states. Here's why.

Healing at Its Best in Wakeful Rest

As mind and body are at rest, the system naturally engages in a purification process, which inherently is a state of activity, not inactivity. By activity, I don't mean ordinary daily activity, I mean the miniscule, though magnificent activity of stress release. We know this through the decades of research on the psychophysiology of meditation.

Suffice it to say, when you spend twenty to thirty minutes once or twice during the day in wakeful rest, you engage in a restoration more profound than the inactivity of deep sleep. And for domestic violence survivors, the more stress release the better so as to offset the ongoing heighten level of arousal that colors your day.

For more information on domestic abuse healing from within, I invite you to check out Domestic Abuse Healing from Within, where you can also claim your free Survivor Success Tips and eInsights. Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. helps people recognize, end and heal from domestic abuse.

Copyright 2009 Jeanne King, Ph.D.

Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D. - Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Child Poverty in America - Marian Wright Edelman

Complete video at: Children's Defense Fund founder Marian Wright Edelman criticizes child poverty rates in America, using the image of a family with six children who only care for five. ----- Marian Wright Edelman talks about her new book The Sea Is So Wide and My Boat Is So Small: Charting a Course for the Next Generation. The founder of the Children's Defense Fund looks back on what has been done, and what needs to be done, to make the nation and world safe and fair for all ...

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Child abuse survivor

My name is not important but you can call me Maya. I was really young when my abuse had started. Chip 3 The age I am right now is not is really not important but Ill tell you anyway Ive been 21 for a few short months. The person who abused me should have loved me and protected as it had been his job as male family member. Chip 4-8. My abuse will start in the order that it happen. Verbal His first act as my birthfather was dying was verbal abuse. He would call me names that hurt any some ...

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Child abuse?

Just Kidding. My brother in law Frank, spinning his son. Don't worry folks, the little guy enjoys this.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

LDS Church 2 Reporting Child Abuse & Concern over LDS Lawyer

It was a concern voiced by a former Utah Senator, that LDS Lawyers were representing FLDS interest. I was told to report this to the mainstream church. Where lowly saints who are LDS are told to shun and avoid the polygamist sects, high paid LDS attorneys are another story. The FLDS were a rich CASH cow, with a member of the churches GENERAL AUTHORITY representing the polygamous community for over 10 years. Its more sinister than what is revealed so far!

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