Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Should You Fight Your Child Custody Battle on Your Own Or Should You Hire a Lawyer?

If your ex is threatening to take your children from you, you are probably trying to decide whether or not you should fight your child custody battle on your own or if you should hire a lawyer. Here are a few tips for you that will help you decide whether you can successfully negotiate a child custody arrangement yourself and when it is time to find legal representation.

1. Will your ex try to get full custody of your children? If your ex is fairly reasonable and will work out custody arrangements that suit you both, then hiring a lawyer might not be necessary. But if you have a gut feeling that your ex will try to take your children from you and not give you any visitation, or that the negotiation will take a turn for the worst, a lawyer might be the way to go to ensure that you keep your parental rights.

2. Will your ex hire a lawyer to fight for custody of your children? If your ex has already hired a lawyer, it might be a good idea for you to hire one as well, if you want to keep your children. You do not want to be at a disadvantage when it comes to the courts, and a lawyer can help make sure all of your ducks are in a row when it comes to the custody hearing.

3. Can you do all of the proper research about making custody arrangements all on your own? If you feel confident that you can research everything you will need to know about child custody court hearings all on your own, then you might be able represent yourself in court. You can also check around your city for lawyers that offer child custody consultations and get some good tips and information about how what you will need to do at a child custody hearing so that you can research it yourself.

If you really want to negotiate a child custody arrangement without a lawyer, click here for something that will help.

aviation attorneys

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