Monday, December 13, 2010

What You Need to Know About Your Child Abuse Case

Child abuse can be a very complicated issue no matter who is involved in it. Understanding a case such as this can be hard to do unless you are well informed in all the procedures that will take place once the arrest has been made. If you are arrested for a charge such as this, there are many things that will take place after the arrest has been made that you need to be well informed about.

The first thing that you should understand is the legal definition of child abuse In Texas, child abuse is defined as the physical, psychological, or sexual mistreatment of any child no matter what the circumstances are. If you are involved in a child abuse case, you need to know what type of child abuse charges that they are giving you. There are three different types of child abuse as stated before. Physical abuse is usually defined as the abuse to a child which involves neglect and beating or hitting the child in any way. Some people believe that if there isn't a bruise then it wasn't child abuse but that is not the case. Physical abuse can also include hurting a child through the use of fire, ice, chemicals, or any physical object that is used to cause harm to the child in question.

The next type of child abuse is psychological abuse which happens to be the most common type of abuse for children. This type of abuse is defined as any type of behavior that will cause psychological or emotional harm to the child that is involved. Psychological abuse can include yelling, demeaning, name calling, and verbal humiliation of a child which causes emotional stress and harm to that child This is one of the hardest types of abuse to prove because you never see any physical scars on the child that is being abused.

The last type of abuse is sexual abuse to a child Sexual abuse is defined as any sexual act that is forced upon or done to a child by an adult or person in their upper teenage years. This type of abuse can include anything from exposure of adult genitals to a child to forcing a child to be involved in any type of sexual activity. Usually this type of abuse comes with larger penalties because of the severity that usually comes with these types of situations.

With all three types of abuse you need to be aware of what the penalties are for each case. You should also speak with your lawyer about the details of your case to make sure that everyone is well informed and can handle everything as quickly as possible.

If you or someone you know needs help in a criminal case such as this, contact Attorneys and Lawyers for You to find a criminal attorney near you at
Joseph Devine

asset investigation Bachelor Degree Online

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