Tuesday, August 31, 2010

CPS Was Wrong To Remove The Children

Custody hearings are on hold after today's ruling that Texas had no right to seize children from a polygamist group's ranch. The Third Court of Appeals says the grounds for last month's removal of more than 400 children were ``legally and factually insufficient.'' An attorney representing some of the children says the judge in San Angelo has ten days to vacate her custody order. Texas can appeal. Governor Rick Perry's office says it's an ongoing legal matter, and Texas lawyers will review the appropriate next steps to ensure the safety and welfare of the children. It wasn't immediately clear whether the children now in foster care might soon rejoin their parents. CPS removed the children from the ranch near Eldorado over allegations of abuse, which members deny. Spokesman Rod Parker says the sect members feel validated -- claiming they're being persecuted for their beliefs.


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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Going Through Divorce Without a Lawyer Not a Good Idea

Going through divorce without a lawyer is probably one of the worst things that you could do. Without a lawyer you will simply not get a fair share. Judges do not want to deal with people, and they want to talk to lawyers. If your ex does not have a lawyer then you may be okay but if they do, you are definitely going to want to make sure that you get the best divorce lawyer.

If you need a divorce attorney to handle your case, remember that they are going to be able to help you deal with all the legal issues surrounding your divorce, issues that you would probably miss if you just tried to take on the case yourself. A divorce lawyer will be particularly important if you and your spouse have been married for several years and share property, savings, or other larger financial issues.

Finding a Lawyer

Now that you understand why you should not go through divorce without a lawyer, you will need to go through the process of actually finding a lawyer, and there are a few important factors to take into consideration here.

There are tons of divorce lawyers located all around the globe, but you will generally want to find one in your local area because you are going to need to be traveling back and forth from them, for meetings and to talk with them. Therefore you do not want it to be a huge inconvenience to you, as it would be if you had to drive for extended periods of time just to get to them.

As you can see, it is very important not to go through divorce without a lawyer. You may not be able to patch things up with your spouse, but to ensure that things are going to be fair, then you never want to go through divorce without an attorney. If you do decide to go through your divorce without an attorney, just make sure that you are educated and understand what you are getting into.

You are really going to need to be prepared going into this, and never want to head into court without a clue as to what you are doing.

Divorce can definitely be a tricky issue to deal with, but perhaps the most difficult of all is going through court and finding a way to untangle all the financial and sentimental items

Going through divorce without a lawyer [http://www.lawyers.jsgenterprises.com/3.2.divorce-lawyer-divorce-without-a-lawyer.html] is probably one of the worst things that you could do. Without a lawyer you will simply not get a fair share. Judges do not want to deal with people, and they want to talk to lawyers...View more articles at [http://www.lawyers.jsgenterprises.com]

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

US Court and CPS Corruption Equal Economy Recovery Stimulus Agency Fraud

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