Saturday, May 29, 2010

Background Checks on People - Important Safety Measures to Protect Your Family and Children

Devoid of the information gained from background checks on people, you will have no idea what imminent danger that you, your spouse and children are facing. Consequently, when you find yourself got involved in tragic events initiated by lawless elements, you shall realize later on that such incidents could have been prevented by avoiding certain individuals if you had only known their personal history.

You can prevent such scenario from happening to you in the future by conducting background checks on people on various instances in life; such as prior to hiring new employees and casual workers, on your new neighbours and office associates, on new business partners, and on your babysitter or nanny among many others.

Now take these test questions:

Would you still hire an applicant to your business even if you know that the person has bad records in the past like theft?

Are you still going to hire or keep the nanny of your children even if you found out that the person has undesirable history of child abuse?

Would you still allow your teenage daughters to regularly visit your new neighbour despite of the fact that you were able to uncover that there is an individual living in their house that has history of attempted rape?

If your answers are 'no way' to all of the questions above, then you definitely need to perform background checks on people on various instances deemed necessary.

There are several options on how to conduct the procedures, but I highly recommend the most practical way; and that is to use the online services of several independent companies. This will only cost you less than $47; but this is already nominal enough to ensure the safety of your family.

Start running your own search now at Background Report Online and instantly get your desired information today; right at the comforts and convenience in your home or office.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Myth: Most Married People Are Unfaithful

Is it true that most married people cheat on their spouses? Explore the data with Dr. June. For more information on love and health, or to read a full transcript of this video, visit

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Managing Your Immigration

The complexity of the process is one of the reasons that using a registered migration agent or immigration lawyer is a good idea. These professionals are trained and qualified to manage the visa pathway process from beginning to end.


* Decide what visa suits your circumstances;

* Ensure you meet relevant conditions of the visa at the time of application, time of grant and throughout the permanent residency period;

* Research or obtain advice about your suitability to meet mandatory criteria of the visa;

* Decide your immigration timeline and have realistic expectations about the turnaround time for a visa grant before the authorities.


* Relevant evidence for your visa subclass;

* Health and Character Approvals;

* References and Character Statements;

* Certified documents.

Draft and Apply

* A professional and compliant submission;

* Relevant attachments to explain any issues (eg: health or character problems);

* Complete the correct form and pay the correct fee;

* Meet all legislated time of application requirements.

Manage and Comply

* Stay available for contact with the authorities;

* Inform the authorities of changes to your circumstances;

* Don't become a nuisance applicant calling and emailing constantly;

* Comply with visa requirements once grant is received.

After all of the immigration process is dealt with you will also need to consider housing, employment, schooling for children, banking and tax arrangements, health insurance and relocation services as a start.

The process is daunting but planning and seeking appropriate advice does make it easier and provides peace of mind for what is a huge life change for many people.

Rechelle Grimson is a director and founder of My Immigration Manager. Rechelle has many years experience in both the private and public sectors. Rechelle has previous Australian Government experience with both the Migration Review Tribunal and the Attorney General's Department (NSW).

Rechelle has also worked with Thomson's Legal and Regulatory Group (The Law Book Company brand). Rechelle has a keen interest in children's issues and is a committee member of the ACT Chapter of the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN). Rechelle has an excellent knowledge of administrative law, Tribunal representation, decision-making and the visa process, she is also a specialist in New Zealand Migration. Rechelle specialises in skilled, business, special category and family visa classes.

Rechelle is a Registered Migration Agent - Registration Number 0425550.

Contact My Immigration Manager – The Immigration Advice Professionals or info@myimmigrationmanager


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If it Exists, There's a Lawyer For It

Choosing a lawyer to represent your specific case in court can be very intimidating. It's hard enough to decide what category of law your case falls into and if you're hiring the right kind of lawyer to present it. When you are looking for a lawyer to bring you to court, be sure to see if he has any types of cases that he specializes in, apart from the type of law he practices. Having an experienced lawyer with you while you make your case can often get you the results you're looking for.

Family disputes are categorized into two major types of law, family law and estate planning law. Family law focuses on the relationships associated with families, such as marriage, divorce, and children. A family lawyer would be hired to deal with divorce settlements, child custody and monetary support, as well as instances of domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Family lawyers are becoming increasingly necessary.

The other sort of family dispute deals with the transition of property outlined by wills left by a deceased family member. Estate planning law comes in when a family member dies and the time has come to distribute the total of his estate. An estate doesn't only include property and money, it deals with assigning legal guardians for minors, wills, trusts, and powers of appointment. When dealing with the transfer of assets from the deceased, disputes often arise. A lawyer specializing in trusts and estates will be called to interpret the will and distribute the property.

Corporate law is designed to protect or prosecute actions performed within the realm of a corporation's dealings. A corporation is an entity completely independent from the people who own it and keep it operating. They are treated sort of like human beings in that they can have crimes committed against them or be charged with a crime. Corporate attorneys specialize in the legal status of a corporations and are in charge of keeping an eye on the various transactions that corporations make throughout its lifetime. As a corporate specialist, a corporate attorney studies the legal rights and duties that are associated with corporations.

Civil litigators and constitutional lawyers make up two unique branches in law. A civil litigation attorney is charged with representing people who want compensation for an action or the carrying out of a specific action. In other words, litigators don't want criminal punishment, only remuneration for what was committed against them. A constitutional lawyer addresses situations that might not be made explicitly clear in the constitution. Constitutional lawyers can be described as lawyers for the gray areas of law, for they are in charge of interpreting certain constitutional generalities onto specific cases brought to court. This sort of law can often become very controversial, especially when dealing with two interpretations of the same constitutional statement.

The huge variety of specializations in the legal system provides the opportunity to decide which sort of Birmingham Michigan lawyer will best serve your needs in court. Birmingham MI attorneys exist to represent you in court, and by being armed with one that specializes in your case, you can make you successful in court.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rhode Island Divorce Strategy From Finding a RI Attorney to Filing for Divorce by a RI lawyer

The first step in obtaining a divorce from your spouse is finding a Rhode Island attorney who you are comfortable with. Many attorneys give free initial consultations while others charge for the first consult. I have always taken the position that the initial consultations will be free.

It is important to ask the proposed lawyer about his or her experience and qualifications to handle your case. It is also crucial to determine the hourly charge and the amount of any initial fee or retainer.

It is often impossible to determine how much a divorce will cost from beginning to end. However, it is a good idea to get an educated estimation of the eventual fee. This will never usually be more than a estimation because the cost of the divorce usually depends on several factors. Those factors could include how quickly a settlement is reached, the number of motions that each party will file, the amount / nature and complexity of assets to be equitably divided, the amount of documents involved in the case, the animosity of the parties to each other, the waiting time while you are in court and many other potential issues.

The Golden Rule is that the longer it takes to reach a settlement the more the divorce will cost because the lawyers will spend a lot more time working on the case. If there is no settlement and the case goes to trial or the day of trial, the divorce could get very expensive. If everything is agreed or nearly agreed to and the parties are relatively amicable then the divorce should take a lot less time and therefore be much less expensive.

Uncontested divorces in Rhode Island should be much less expensive then contested divorces. However, there are many different types of uncontested divorces. There are uncontested divorces with no real assets and uncontested divorces with assets to divide. If the divorce is uncontested and there are assets then the lawyer may need to prepare a property settlement agreement, deeds, qualified domestic relation orders etc. Therefore, the cost of an uncontested divorce could vary depending on the circumstances. For example if a lawyer has to draft a property settlement agreement , the lawyer will devote more time to the case.

I believe that a fair price for an uncontested divorce from soup to nuts in Rhode Island with no assets and no property settlement agreement is about $800 flat fee plus costs. The typical costs are a filing fee of $100 and service of process fees of approximately $40.

After you have retained the lawyer there is typically an intake process in which the lawyer gets the basic information so that he or she can properly represent you. The lawyer typically drafts the divorce documents and you sign them in front of him/her or another notary. These documents include a divorce complaint, DR(6) financial statement, statement of children of the marriage, counseling statement, report of divorce, summons and automatic divorce order etc. It is important that the DR6 form otherwise known as financial statement is accurately filled out.

There are many important decisions that may need to be made before you file for divorce in Rhode Island. Strategy is crucial in many instances!

In some cases, the attorney will file a motion for temporary orders when the divorce complaint is filed. A motion for temporary orders should be filed if the husband or wife is in need of temporary resolution of issues while the case is proceeding. These temporary motions typically request temporary child support, payment / contribution to daycare , contribution to medical bills, alimony, payment of household expenses, payment of the mortgage, taxes and insurance. A motion for temporary orders can also address child visitation and child custody issues related to the minor children as well as issues concerning exclusive use and possession of the marital home. The temporary motion can also request temporary orders concerning: restraining orders both financial and personal and a myriad of other temporary issues. The motion for temporary orders will typically be heard by the Court within 30-40 days of the filing of the complaint for divorce.

If no temporary orders enter then there is no legal obligation of a spouse to pay anything while the case is proceeding until there is a decision by the judge or the parties sign a property settlement Agreement. If there are no temporary orders, the financial issues, visitation and custody issues will be up to the parties to figure out while the case is proceeding without the benefit of a court order.

If there is an emergency in which irreparable harm will be caused if the party has to wait for a court date, then an emergency motion should be filed with the complaint. An emergency motion must either be verified under oath or be accompanied by an affidavit. The attorney will bring the emergency motion to the proper judge and ask for an ex parte order. Ex parte means that the other side is not present to object. The Rhode Island judge will only consider the affidavit and documentation before him. If the judge signs the emergency order than it will be served on your spouse by the constable along with the divorce complaint.

These types of emergency motion typically deal with issues concerning abuse of a child, dissipation or unreasonable spending of marital assets, domestic violence, child abuse or a plethora of other potential emergencies. If there is domestic violence involved in which you are in imminent fear of physical harm or have been abused or threatened with abuse please discuss with the attorney the benefits of filing a separate case called a Complaint Protection from Abuse! Please note that the Complaint Protection from Abuse is very different from an Emergency motion.

The timing of whether the divorce or Complaint Protection from Abuse case is filed first or whether they are filed simultaneously could be crucial to your case.

If an emergency motion is granted and emergency orders enter then a hearing will be set approximately 20 days to determine if the order should stay in effect while the divorce case is proceeding. At that hearing your spouse has an opportunity to contest the motion and tell his or her side of the story. At that hearing, the Court will determine whether the emergency relief will stay in effect while the divorce case proceeds.

Please see part two to be finished later which describes the process from filing the complaint to the nominal divorce hearing.

David Slepkow is a Rhode Island divorce and family law lawyer concentrating in divorce, family law, child support, custody, visitation, personal injury, landlord tenant, litigation, criminal law and the general practice of law. David is a partner at Slepkow Slepkow & Associates,Inc. which was established in 1932 and is currently celebrating its 75th anniversary. David has been practicing for over 9 years and is licensed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Federal Court. David offers free initial consultations. Please goto our recently revised website to obtain further information concerning Rhode Island law or to contact David Slepkow.

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